THE STETHOSCOPE- 15 by Deborah Nwaeke




A lot has happened, so I’ll summarize the past week.

My rotation this past week has been pretty eventful. Had ward rounds with the consultant mostly. I participated (passively) in the surgeries done. We (with other students) participated in the antenatal clinic.
I also attended the morning meetings conducted every day. The meetings were primarily case presentation of patients attended to by the presenting Doctor. During each case presentation, the medical condition, procedures carried out, and it’s indications are discussed. I learned a number of things from the meetings.

On the first day which was a Monday, I met a student at the meeting and we got acquainted. She explained a couple of things about the department; this was helpful. We became great unit mates.
After the morning meeting I was directed to the Doctor who was to assign me to a unit in the department. I was assigned to the same unit as the student I met during the first morning meeting. I got to meet other members of the team. The unit consisted of a consultant (two I guess, I’m not sure what the other Doctor’s post is), a senior registrar, two registrars, four house officers (at the time I joined the team) and three medical students (including myself).
During ward rounds we were asked questions to test our knowledge, teach, and “shake” us.

In summary, I think I enjoyed the previous department more. The atmosphere in the previous department was a bit lighter. Also the senior members had a friendlier way of pushing you to study. But I also observed that if you aren’t proactive like a Doctor in the previous department mentioned, you’ll remain a passive observer.

Thanks for reading 😊
Hope you found one or two things helpful?
Till next time…😊

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