It’s a Thursday…a Thursday in the 5th week of my clinical rotation here.
Previously at OBGYN…
I’m kinda glad I’m almost done with the rotation. I was a bit disappointed because I really looked forward to my rotation in the department with so much excitement, but…in all things we give thanks.
Here’s a summary of my rotation at the department.
I learnt some basic clinical skills. I got to see the procedure of Caesarean Section delivery, as I had the opportunity of getting involved in three Caesarean sections. I was allowed to help in cleaning and suctioning the baby…little steps. It felt so good…😁😁It was a beautiful experience.
This week I began my rotation in a new department-paediatrics.
We (including some other students I met at the department) were assigned to our various units. During the process, I silently prayed to be sent to the right unit. A unit I would enjoy working in, learning under an encouraging atmosphere without the proof-of -knowledge aura.
My prayer was answered because I was picked to a unit whose consultant I like. Why? He never made us (students) feel like we were “stupid” or just medical students, or “students who schooled where they don’t teach them”. These are some of the remarks I’ve heard about foreign-trained students, especially from the country where I trained.
This consultant taught us what we didn’t know…now we know.😁
Gratefully, I got along pretty well in this new department. I even asked questions! 😁😁 Why was it such an interesting experience? Was it because of the encouraging atmosphere or because I had gotten used to how things worked? I think both contributed to my pretty smooth transition in the department. I understood what was explained and answered correctly almost all the questions I was asked (💃yes, that made me feel better. At least I didn’t feel stupid again😌).
Thanks for reading 😊
Hope you found a thing or two helpful?
Till next time😉😊
I would love to hear from you😊, please share thoughts in the comment section below.
Thank you!