MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY FINAL EPISODE Hello! Thanks for joining me thus far. I’m glad we made it to the final episode. Woohoo! Internal Medicine Department This department is another I really enjoyed joining. I got to choose my unit (Infectious diseases), and was grateful I did. I’ll begin from the really cool consultant we […]
MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY Talking about feeling stupid…midway into my rotation in one of the first departments, I began to wonder what I was doing studying medicine. It felt like the past 5 years in med school was a waste. Worse still the way they “drilled” (my modest word for ridicule) us made me feel […]
MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY It’s a Thursday…a Thursday in the 5th week of my clinical rotation here. Previously at OBGYN… I’m kinda glad I’m almost done with the rotation. I was a bit disappointed because I looked forward to my rotation in the department with so much excitement, but…in all things we give thanks. Here’s […]
(MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY) It’s my second week in the department, and though I was a bit discouraged with the atmosphere in my unit, I’ve decided to concentrate on learning-that’s what I came to do. There’s this sense of trying to prove knowing and trying to make one feel inferior or embarrassed when unaware of […]
STETHOSCOPE 17 (MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY) It’s a Thursday…a Thursday in the 5th week of my clinical rotation here. Previously at OBGYN… I’m kinda glad I’m almost done with the rotation. I was a bit disappointed because I really looked forward to my rotation in the department with so much excitement, but…in all things […]
STETHOSCOPE 16 (MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY) It’s my second week in the department. Though I was a bit discouraged with the atmosphere in my unit, I’ve decided to concentrate on learning-that’s what I came to do. There’s this sense of trying to prove knowing and trying to make one feel inferior or embarrassed when […]
STETHOSCOPE 15 (MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY) A lot has happened, so I’ll summarize the past week. My rotation this past week has been pretty eventful. Had ward rounds with the consultant mostly. I participated (passively) in the surgeries done. We (with other students) participated in the antenatal clinic. I also attended the morning meetings […]
STETHOSCOPE 14 (MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY) It’s Monday…My OBGYN rotation begins today! Last Friday while saying my goodbyes, Martha stopped to say hi to a Doctor. During the conversation, I got to know that the Doctor works in the O&G department, Martha introduced us. She explained to the Doctor that we’ll be coming […]
STETHOSCOPE MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY 13 Day 11 The day’s activities began with the usual Friday Morning meetings. Amongst the presentations was one which Dr Victor presented. It was a medical case. He did pretty well in my opinion. There was also a guest presentation by a neurosurgeon. The meeting ended at about 11:00am. […]
MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY-12 So… today’s minor surgery. One of the registrars, Dr Victor, had asked me if I wanted to scrub in (actively assist, more like the surgeon assistant) for the next surgery. I said I’d be willing to. Then he saidsomething else that would make my scrubbing in not possible,I don’t remember what […]