March 29, 2021 | Exodus 15:1–21


This Month’s Issue

My high school English teacher was the austere Opal Underbakke. When I was a senior, she encouraged my class to enter a national writing competition and worked with me to hone my essay, which won second place. When the piece was published, I wrote in my author profile that I wanted to be an English teacher because of what Mrs. Underbakke had done for me.

The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation.


In Exodus 15, we find Miriam again—now an old woman and prophetess, leading side by side with her brothers Moses and Aaron. This is the first—and only—time she is mentioned by name in the book. A lot had happened since she and Moses were children and much of it is recorded in this worshipful song. Moses received his call from God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He had faced repeated challenges, negotiating with Pharaoh and navigating the ten plagues. Finally, God’s people left Egypt, only to be chased by Pharaoh’s chariots. God parted the sea and spared their lives by drowning Pharaoh’s horses and men in the returning waters (Exodus 14).

After this miraculous salvation, the people paused to give praise. Moses led the people in this song. Then Miriam took the lead and taught the women the tune (v. 21)—a melody that would be sung and remembered in every household, in that time and beyond. Miriam is the first woman to be called a “prophetess” in Scripture. The role of a prophet was to receive instructive words from the Lord and relay them to the people to guide them. The prophet Micah confirmed Miriam’s leadership role during the Exodus in Micah 6:4. The courage and presence of mind that young Miriam had displayed—even as a little girl—was still evident as an adult.

What qualities did you display as a child that God has continued to develop and use for His glory into your adult life? How can you encourage the gifting you already see in the children around you?


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