Devotion: 2nd April 2021
So, when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit – John 19:30
One of the significant statement that Jesus made on the cross was “It is finished” signifying that he had accomplished what God has sent him to do. His mission was to preach the gospel to the poor, open the eye of the blind (those blinded by the issues of life; spiritual blindness) and to set the captives free. The captives are those who are held bound by sickness, curses, diseases and even death.
Another wonderful thing Jesus came to do, was to blot out ordinances written against us and nailed it to the cross to make our life anew – Colossians 2:14. These ordinances or decrees are setbacks inscribed by our fore – fathers not to reveal the glory of God in our lives. They are also sins committed by our fathers that has paved the way for the devil to inflict us with pain but for the reason of the death and the blood of our Lord Jesus we are set free from such debt. To say it is finished means every debt has been paid. No more sickness, barrenness or pain. No more curses or shadow of death is going to rule in your life so long as you remain in Christ Jesus. The original Greek meaning of the phrase “it is finished” is “tetelestai” meaning it is finished or teleo “to bring to an end” (telos, “an end”).
In Christ Jesus, you are free from negative forces ruling in your family. According to the scriptures, “if anyone is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come” – 2 Corinthians 5:17 for divine reconciliation with divinity and humanity. I decree newness in your destiny and everything that relates to you. Rise up from that thing that is holding to bound. May God, bless you and keep you. Amen
Father in Heaven, I thank you for having mercy upon me and sending your only son to die for me. Be merciful unto me oh Lord and forgive me of my trespasses. May your name be glorified. Amen!
Meditation: Colossians 2:14
International Liberation Ministry
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CPD POST CREDIT: Ps. Coal Gbedemah