Devotion : 10th March 2021
You did not choose me, but I chose you and ordained you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you – John 15:16 KJV.
We sometimes run to God with our issues and excuses not minding His plan for us. Before time, God has chosen us to fulfil a definite purpose on earth to impact our generations for His glory. His plan for us, is to bring us to a place of peace and to an expected end. To be chosen and ordained means to be set apart and commissioned to fulfil such a purpose without fail. To bear fruit that will remain, in itself is to be as an imperishable and ever growing principle to affect all generations.
When God called Jeremiah, he was quick to tell God his weaknesses and his status not knowing that as youthful as he was, God had equipped him with a dual focus “to pluck up and to break down” but also “to build and to plant” – Jeremiah 1:10. Jeremiah sees a future day when God will write his law on human hearts, and “they shall all know me,” and “I will remember their sin no more” Jeremiah 31:33-34. Jeremiah’s task as a prophet was to declare the coming judgment of God. However, throughout the book we also see God’s concern for repentance and righteousness in individuals as well as nations.
Yes, God knew Jeremiah even before he was formed in his mother’s womb. Yes, God knew his background as a Benjamite; a background with a warlike character manifested by the tribe as shown in many occasions in history and exhibited marked features of a fierce and wolfish character. I have heard many say that, they have cut themselves from their family tree and even to the extent of changing their names. No! don’t do that. Subject yourself to God and to his will and he will make you a pillar both “to pluck up and to break down” and also “to build and to plant”. May God, prune you to be fruitful as you avail yourself to Him. Amen.
Heavenly Father, thank you for choosing me among the lot to bear fruit for your glory. Father, as I have availed myself to you, prune me and make me more fruitful to impact my generation and the generations beyond in Jesus name. Amen
Meditation: John 15:7
Bible reading plan for 1 year
Judges 13 – 15
International Liberation Ministry
Share the word – Jesus is the answer
CPD POST CREDIT:Ps. Coal Gbedemah