April 4, 2019 | Psalm 139:1–16
This Month’s Issue
Pregnant mothers are given a fascinating chart detailing the stages of growth of their unborn child. For example, in Month 1, circulation begins and the tiny heart beats 65 times a minute. The baby is only about a quarter-inch long. In Month 2, the baby’s facial features develop with little ears, fingers, toes, and eyes.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
PSALM 139:13–14
Today’s psalm is a gift in itself—one of great comfort—as it details the intimate relationship we have with God, our Creator. As the psalmist says, “you know me” (v. 1). God knows you better than anyone else.
God knows your actions. He is intimately acquainted with what you do, day in and day out. “You know when I sit and when I rise” (v. 2). He knows when you leave your house and when you lie in bed at night asleep (v. 3). He knows your behaviors and the words you speak even before you utter them. That knowledge should both comfort us and provide a reminder that God is watching. Nothing we do or say is hidden from Him!
We cannot escape His watch. There is nowhere we can travel or hide that will shield us from God’s presence and awareness of our being. He is omniscient, all knowing. That quality can be disconcerting if we have something to hide but comforting when longing for His guidance and protection.
Verses 13 through 16 speak directly to our creation. God formed us in the womb (v. 13). Just as He was intimately involved in the creation of Adam and Eve, God was intimately involved in bringing you to life. You are a magnificent creation—“fearfully and wonderfully made” (v. 14)—as wonderful as any of His works. All of our days are written in God’s book, even before we were born (v. 16).
If you are anxious, today’s psalm should provide incredible comfort. We can trust our future, and every detail of our life, to the God who formed us and cares for us. He holds our future in His hands, and our days are written in His book “before one of them came to be” (v. 16). You can cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.