Pediatrics department

In summary, this department has been the easiest, better put, most interesting thus far. There was a house officer who was pretty rude sometimes, but civil at other times. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when he said I shouldn’t make him insult me.  I had asked to confirm where we’d be having the ward rounds that morning. It was my third day with the team and I was yet to understand the unit’s schedule since it varied depending on what day of the week. He tried sounding a bit light, but that couldn’t mask the taste of his comment. He was a young Doctor, a house officer, so I felt I could connect more with him, ask questions and learn from him. Moreover he was my immediate “chief” as regards ranking on the team, so he was the appropriate person to ask for directions as such. Sadly, his choice of words was just too sour for my belly to contain (I’m feeling poetic. I‘ve been reading novels lately so I hope I’m getting better with my writing). Giving him the benefit of doubt, I’d say he had been pretty stressed, because he mentioned being on call the night before (I’m yet to get a firsthand experience ofwhat that’s like, but I’ve heard it can leave one dead tired). Anyways, I decided to keep my cool, try finding my way around and getting help from someone else. I was there to learn, and learn I did.

This was supposed to be a summary!

So… summary…yes, I was saying rotation in this department has been the most interesting for me. I enjoyed every bit of it, working with neonates, especially those born prematurely, in ICU (intensive Care Unit). It was interesting to watch their tiny frames in the incubators, see blood samples taken from them, IV lines inserted in their almost invisible veins, hear them cry-more like whimper.

Premature neonates are so tender and delicate in ways that show what life is like.  I’m a glad a number of them fight through, and the practitioners do their job.

It was indeed another beautiful experience.

The last department on my rotation was the department of Internal Medicine.

See ya… and watch out for the last Episode 

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