March 28, 2019 | 2 Chronicles 33


This Month’s Issue

The first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, consolidated much territory under his rule and laid the foundations for what would become the modern nation. But his true obsession was his fear of death and attempt to find an elixir that would grant him immortality. He killed scholars and burned books to focus their attention on his quest, and he developed an immense underground mausoleum that included the Terracotta Army to protect him. Ironically, he died suddenly of what is believed to be Chinese alchemical elixir poisoning—he had been ingesting mercury that he thought would give him eternal life.

When he prayed to him, the Lord was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea . . . Then Manasseh knew that the Lord is God.


The reign of Manasseh is jaw- dropping in its scope of evil. Not only did he return to idolatry, he actively blasphemed in the temple of God (vv. 3–5). In his obsession with other gods, he even sacrificed his own children in pagan worship, one of the most detestable practices condemned by the Lord (v. 6).

The people followed Manasseh into sin, and they ignored the Lord’s attempts to call them back (v. 10). Finally, God got his attention: Assyria captured Manasseh and led him into captivity with a literal ring through his nose (v. 11). At last, Manasseh was in a position to recognize his sin. In the face of destruction with no means of escape, the God of Manasseh’s fathers became his God, and he cried out to Him for salvation.

The great hope in the story of Manasseh is that he responded to God’s coming judgment on his sin by calling upon the Lord. The God of heaven heard his prayer for mercy and responded with salvation from his certain captivity and death in Babylon. Manasseh, with a heart changed by the Lord, changed his ways to honor the God of Israel (vv. 12–16).


Is someone in your life steeped in sin? Do you doubt they will ever repent and accept the salvation of Christ? Manasseh’s example reminds us that God’s arm is not too short to save anyone, even the people who might most surprise us. Commit to praying for that person and ask the Holy Spirit to perform a miraculous work of grace.

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