January 30, 2022 | Psalm 89:1-18 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue “Stop praying for stuff and start praying for God,” wrote pastor David Platt. “The primary point of prayer is not to get something—it’s to know Someone. When you go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is in secret, there […]
August 9, 2021 | Hosea 4:4–14 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Being a spiritual leader of any kind is an immense responsibility that we dare not take lightly. The book of James warns us that people holding such positions incur a stricter judgment (James 3:1). Jesus told His disciples that causing a young, impressionable convert to […]
June 25, 2021 | Psalm 101 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue “Power corrupts,” as the saying goes, “and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” It is true that there is something about the human condition that makes power dangerous. In his commentary on the Psalms, the reformer John Calvin observed: “Although kings are not born fools, yet they […]
June 21, 2021 | Psalm 95 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue University of Michigan football fans call their stadium “the Big House.” When the team scores, the team’s 107,601 fans fill the space with so much cheering and shouting the sound can be overwhelming. One of the reasons why people enjoy watching the college game […]
June 19, 2021 | Psalm 92; Psalm 93 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Music is one of the most engaging human activities. When we sing or play an instrument our whole being is engaged—our mind, our heart, and our body. Music unites us. In a choir, a group of unique individuals become one as they sing. […]
June 9, 2021 | Psalm 81 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue “What have you done for me lately?” It’s easy to forget how well someone has served us in the past, when we are disappointed with them in the present! Some companies take this approach with their employees: “It does not matter how great of a […]
INVITATION TO WORSHIP September 11, 2019 | Psalms 15–16 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In July 2017, Canada’s governor general found himself embroiled in a controversy. While descending a flight of steps alongside the Queen of England, he touched the Queen’s elbow to assist her. What was meant as an act of service was actually seen […]
Rivers of Joy Hallelujah Concert 2018 was held on 27/1/18 at the platinum concert hall in Ivano-frankivsk, Ukraine. The concert was hosted by Deeper Christian Life Ministry Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. Music ministers from various cities across Ukraine were present. The host choir and other invited choirs were all present, and each gave a beautiful rendition. A Ukrainian […]