MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY-11 By the second week things weren’t as tense. One of the incidents that stopped the intimidation which I think I must share was this. We were asked to study the anatomy of an organ, this was spilt into three different subtopics. The other student and I picked a subtopic each, but […]
MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY-9 Day 6 Today went pretty well. It was “clinics” today. The consultant in my team, Dr Philips, was present. I learnt he had been on leave, and only just returned. I like him. He has a fatherly aura, and is a good doctor. I’m not sure how I know that, but […]
MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY-8 Today… Today began on a good note. I arrived at about 7:30am. I waited till 7:55am to put a call through to Dr Desmond, who’s become close to a chaperone in my eye. He’s more experienced, young, and pretty easy to talk to, so I figured I could get my clarifications […]
STETHOSCOPE MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY-7 Day three 12:40pm I couldn’t finish up yesterday due to the workload I had (like I worked the whole day *rolls eyes*). My body is still trying to adjust to the schedule. So let’s go over yesterday… I called a senior registrar, who I later got to know as […]
STETHOSCOPE CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY-6 Day 2 I cried yesterday…self-pity and all, but I also decided to face this squarely. I didn’t come here to play. So I prayed for grace, help, favour, wisdom, and everything needed to overcome. I’m hoping for the best but prepared to face the worst. It’s 08:10am… The scripture reference that says, […]
MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY-5 Whew! I entered another cab to continue my journey back home. I thought I had learnt my lesson, so this time I asked the man loading (call passengers in) the vehicle if he had change of 500# (the same 500#), he told me to enter the vehicle. Dear girl here assumed […]
CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY-4 I wonder if “new in town” was written on my forehead because regardless of how much I tried to blend in, I kept being treated like a newbie, in a nice way though. For example, I tried speaking pidgin to someone who apparently speaks pidgin too, but hedeliberately replied in […]
(MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY 2) The matron read the letter I was given to submit, then informed me that I was to report somewhere else. Humph! After waiting for about three hours…Lord have mercy! I began my trip again in search of the actual place to report-the office of the HoD of Surgery. Everyone I […]