July 27, 2021 | Matthew 25:31–46 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Sheep and goats have many similarities, but they are distinctively different. One way to tell the difference is to look at their tails. A goat’s tail goes up, while sheep tails hang down. They also behave differently. While goats eat leaves, twigs, vines, and shrubs, […]
July 21, 2021 | 1 Peter 5:1–11 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue What is a pastor’s main responsibility? “Since the 1960s, we have experienced an evolution in what we expect a local church pastor to be,” wrote J. P. Moreland in Love Your God With All Your Mind. “Forty years ago he was expected to be […]
July 20, 2021 | John 21:15–19 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue When I was young, my mother always told me to eat my peas because they were good for me. As an adult, I know she’s right. Green vegetables are an important source of protein, fiber, and vitamins…and they help lower cholesterol. Canadian researchers recently reported […]
July 18, 2021 | Matthew 7:15–29 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue The English language is filled with sheep imagery. If you can’t sleep, we try “counting sheep.” If you’re accused of something, you try to look “as innocent as a lamb.” Saying you’ll be there “in two shakes of a lamb’s tail” means you’ll be there […]
July 15, 2021 | Matthew 9:27–38 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue When people are hurting, God responds! Earlier this year, a church in West Virginia decided to host a last-minute food drive to help feed hungry families in their community. In just a few hours, people arrived with enough food to fill the back of a […]
July 14, 2021 | Psalm 100 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue One of the many things we missed during the COVID-19 outbreak was the joy of singing together. But prior to the pandemic, about one in every six Americans sang in a choir! One study listed numerous benefits of singing in groups, including “better mental and […]
March 22, 2020 | John 10:1–15 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue The Dictionary of Biblical Imagery explains that in Scripture as in life, “Doors and doorways are places of transition.” Being on the right or wrong side of a door or gate can mean the difference between safety or vulnerability, revelation or concealment, and hospitality or exclusion. […]