January 14, 2021 | Luke 17:11–19 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue True thankfulness can stop us in our tracks and motivate us to action. That’s what happened to a leper whose life was forever changed by Jesus. On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee, an ethnically diverse and tense […]
January 13, 2021 | Luke 6:37–42 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Nine years ago today, a cruise ship ran aground after hitting rocks and a sandbar off a small Italian island. According to the vessel’s owner, the captain “made an unapproved, unauthorized deviation in course.” Sadly, many people lost their lives, and the captain was found […]
January 11, 2021 | 1 Peter 1:3–9 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Most sports fans hope their favorite team will win the championship. But they also realize that only one team can actually bring home the trophy. The word hope can be a noun or a verb. When fans “verb- hope” for their team to win, […]
January 10, 2021 | John 14:1–7 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue If you were given life-changing news, how would you share it? Would you post on Facebook or perhaps text a friend? Because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His bodily resurrection, we have a wonderful and important message to share. It is a message […]
November 4, 2020 | Acts 4:1–22 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Parents know that telling your child not to touch something will probably have the opposite effect, making them instinctively want to do the thing you’ve forbidden. Reverse psychology works on adults as well. Telling us not to do something can make it somehow more desirable. […]