Tag: Holy


June 25, 2021 | Psalm 101 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue “Power corrupts,” as the saying goes, “and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” It is true that there is something about the human condition that makes power dangerous. In his commentary on the Psalms, the reformer John Calvin observed: “Although kings are not born fools, yet they […]

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September 6, 2020 | 1 Samuel 6:1-21 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Every child has experienced that uncomfortable moment when they realize they have crossed the line with a parent. The first clue may be their dad’s stern tone of voice or that pinched look their mom gets. The result is usually a feeling of fear […]

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July 10, 2020 | Joshua 5:13–15 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Throughout history, alliances have been essential for victory. The Allies in WWII and the 32-nation coalition in the 1990s Gulf War are just two examples of how countries band together in a time of conflict. In today’s reading, our hero Joshua was preparing to face […]

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HOLY WAR? February 24, 2020 | Esther 8:9–17 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Just War Theory is a set of criteria that governments, philosophers, and theologians use to determine if war is justifiable. According to this theory, war is always horrible but not always the worst way forward. Some commonly agreed-upon reasons for a “just war” […]

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