October 4, 2020 | Psalm 46 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In October 1527, Martin Luther’s life looked bleak. He had been hiding for years because of his commitment to salvation by faith alone. In August, the bubonic plague swept the area where he lived. It must have felt like the world was falling apart. In […]
September 22, 2020 | 1 Samuel 23:1–29 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Did you know that the average man will travel 900 miles while being lost? A study sponsored by a company that makes GPS devices also revealed that men are typically the ones who refuse to stop and ask for directions. Many reasons have been […]
September 19, 2020 | 1 Samuel 19:1–24 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue According to tradition, the emperor Constantine saw a vision of a blazing cross against the sun and words which said, “In this sign, you will conquer.” Constantine’s troops placed this symbol, made up of the Greek letters Chi and Rho, on their shields. He […]
September 16, 2020 | 1 Samuel 16:1–23 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Some say the modern age of image-oriented political campaigning began in 1960 with the first televised presidential debate between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon. On camera, Kennedy seemed more comfortable than Nixon, whose appearance and awkward manner made him appear less confident to viewers. […]
September 6, 2020 | 1 Samuel 6:1-21 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Every child has experienced that uncomfortable moment when they realize they have crossed the line with a parent. The first clue may be their dad’s stern tone of voice or that pinched look their mom gets. The result is usually a feeling of fear […]
A LIFE-CHANGING LESSON August 4, 2020 | John 3 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue I remember one thing from the third grade: my teacher, Mrs. Howard, liked me. Although long-division was very difficult, I was willing to tackle it because I wanted nothing more than to please Mrs. Howard. One day, I showed up to third […]
Friday, June 26, 2020 This month’s issue Are you having trouble sleeping? A “sound” pillow advertises itself as the solution. It looks like a regular pillow but includes two speakers inside. The pillow is comfortable (you don’t feel the speakers) and you can listen to music as you drift off to sleep. Elijah could […]
June 20, 2020 | Psalm 51:1–17 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Do you ever feel torn between repentance and praise? Pondering this issue, Bible scholar Michael E. Travers explained: “It is this tension between guilty sinner and righteous God that creates the paradox of praise in the penitential psalms. When God forgives the sinner for his […]
June 19, 2020 | James 4:13–17 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue We tend not to regard sins of omission as real sins or real failures. But they are, as is clearly taught in the book of James. Teaching on faith and good deeds, James, the pastor of the Jerusalem church, gave a striking example: What if […]
AS GOOD AS HIS WORD April 29, 2020 | Matthew 28:1–15 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the linchpin of the Christian faith. “If Jesus rose from the dead, then you have to accept all that he said; if he didn’t rise from the dead, then why worry about any of […]