REBEKAH – FEARFUL, BUT BLESSED March 18, 2021 | Genesis 26:1 – 17 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Fear is a powerful motivator. It can drive us to do dastardly things. Some of us shut down, attack, or distract ourselves. Others face fear by trying to wrestle a problem in their own strength. In Genesis 26, […]
December 30, 2020 | Titus 2:11–14 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue K. Chesterton, English literary critic, mystery writer, and Christian apologist wrote a poem entitled “The House of Christmas.” It centers on the theme of home, the idea that Christmas contains the truth and purpose and meaning for which all human beings long. Chesterton believed that […]
September 25, 2019 | Psalms 32–33 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In 2019, Time magazine ran an online poll asking participants, “What are your major sources of happiness?” The top four answers all involved relationships. Having and maintaining healthy relationships with children, friends, and family were considered key components of happiness for most people. Blessed is […]