REST IN GOD Devotion Mentiasie JahKrow

October 20, 2020 | Psalm 62


This Month’s Issue

It is easy to say, “I trust in God,” when things are going well. However, when a crisis hits, our trust is put to the test. We may think that we trust God to supply all our needs until we are faced with a lost job or a sudden downturn in the economy. In that moment, we may find that we have really been trusting in wealth for our security.

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.

PSALM 62:5

In today’s reading, David’s position and security have come under threat. He feels as fragile as a “leaning wall” or a “tottering fence” ready to topple at any moment (v. 3). His enemies are particularly insidious in that they speak well of him to his face, but curse him in their hearts and spread lies about him to others (v. 4).

This situation has caused David to reevaluate what he puts his trust in. He declares that most of the things that people look to for security are not able to provide it. He says, “the lowborn are but a breath, the highborn are but a lie” (v. 9). In other words, your social position will not bring you security. Riches are a vain hope as well. Therefore, you should “not set your heart on them” (v. 10).

True contentment and security are gifts that come from God alone. “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him” (v. 1). Therefore it only makes sense to “trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge” (v. 8). David concludes the psalm by describing the two primary reasons why God is so trustworthy. He is the only source of true power (v. 11) and He is just (v. 12).

What or who are you putting your trust in? Ask the Lord today to show you if there are any areas of your life that you need to reevaluate so that you can truly place your trust in God and find rest in Him alone.



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