March 29, 2019 | 2 Chronicles 34


This Month’s Issue

Amy Carmichael became a Christian at age 15. A few years later, she began a Sunday school for girls who worked in the mills of Belfast; it soon grew so large that a new hall was built that seated 500 people. She became best known for her missionary work in India, especially her efforts to rescue girls from temple prostitution. She remained in India even after she was bedridden, and the books she wrote during this period have encouraged and inspired generations of Christians. India outlawed temple prostitution three years before Amy Carmichael died.

[He] renewed the covenant . . . to follow the Lord and keep his commands, statutes and decrees with all his heart and all his soul.


King Josiah sought the Lord in his youth and described the spiritual blessings that came to the people as a result of his leadership. Like Amy Carmichael, he was still a teenager when he turned his heart to the Lord, and he followed that commitment with action to root out the idolatry that had plagued the land (vv. 2–7).

Ten years later, Josiah presided over an effort to restore and rebuild the temple. He ensured that finances were raised and workmen were organized and the priests and Levites were provided for. But nothing prepared him for the discovery of the Book of the Law, which had apparently been lost and utterly forgotten (vv. 8–15).

When Josiah heard the word of Scripture, he realized that Israel and Judah had broken the covenant with God and deserved the full measure of His judgment (vv. 19–21). In response, he led the people in repentance, prayer, and a renewed commitment “to follow the Lord and keep his commands, statutes and decrees with all his heart and all his soul, and to obey the words of the covenant written in this book” (v. 31). God promised to delay His coming judgment until after the death of Josiah.


God’s people must meditate on the Law daily (Ps. 1:2); parents must teach their children the Law daily in association with all of life’s activities (Deut. 6:4–6), and the Christian leaders must study the words of the Law daily (Deut. 17:18–20). Maintaining biblical authority in the church and in our lives takes daily effort by God’s people.

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