Gbolade Ibukun Ejemai, a Nigerian medical Doctor has died after he was stabbed by a lady identified as Victoria Popravko and her father who enhanced the swiftness of his death by hit him on the head with a hammer in Ukraine.
Reports gathered by Mentiasie News suggests that, Gbolade( deceased) and Victoria( suspect) who is a mother of two were love birds. As a norm in every relationship, they got into an argument which was not resolved.
Dr. Ajayi, who is a friend to Gbolade(deceased) said: “on Friday, August 8, 2019, Victoria Popravko asked Gbolade Ejemai to come over to her house to talk about the issue, they got into an argument , papravko went for a knife and then stabbed Gbolade to death.
Gbolade was stabbed twice in the abdomen which affected some organs. He bled profusely and lost about 40% of blood volume rendering him in a critical condition.
On the same day the first surgery was made and he got back to consciousness after 24hours and told his version of the story below👇🏾👇🏾
Gbolade added that, “after the two stabs on his abdomen, the supect’s ( papravko) father knowing he was not death hit him on the head with a hammer 🔨to enhance the swiftness of his death”.
On Monday, Gbolade developed some complications and was operated on for the 2nd time which went well BUT remained unconscious leading to his death the following day(Tuesday).
God being so good, Victoria Papravko was caught and arrested at the scene of the incident BUT in less than 24hours was bailed with the reason that “ she had two kids to cater for” and they couldn’t keep her until the investigation was done and over🧐. Do you think this is a fair judgement? Comment and share.
Mentiasie News will keep you updated.