June 19, 2021 | Psalm 92; Psalm 93


This Month’s Issue

Music is one of the most engaging human activities. When we sing or play an instrument our whole being is engaged—our mind, our heart, and our body. Music unites us. In a choir, a group of unique individuals become one as they sing. Maybe that is the main reason God created music, because it is a wonderful way to praise Him!

You, LORD, are forever exalted.

PSALM 92:8

Psalm 92 begins with an announcement that it is good to praise and make music to the Lord (v. 1). Today’s reading encourages us to use the best of our musical skill to proclaim God’s loyal love and faithfulness day and night (vv. 2–3).

God’s loyal love and faithfulness are displayed in His deeds (vv. 4–5). While no specific acts of God are mentioned, the Old Testament is full of examples. God created the world, called Abraham, delivered Israel, provided food and water in the desert, and revealed the Law to Moses (just to name a few). Meditation on these gracious acts leads the Psalmist to step back in awe and proclaim, “How great are your works, Lord, how profound your thoughts!” (v. 6).

There are two possible responses to this call to praise. The wicked will act foolishly and refuse to acknowledge God. They are “senseless” (v. 6). This word is normally used to describe animal behavior. Just as animals cannot step back and perceive God at work, the fool also cannot see beyond himself. Like green grass, the wicked may seem like they are flourishing for the moment, but their destruction is sure (v. 7).

In contrast, the righteous will grow like a majestic cedar or hearty palm tree planted in the Temple court (v. 12). They will flourish because they are close to God and stay connected to Him (v. 13).

We were created to worship God. When we do, it leads us toward the kind of joy and life which can only be found in Him. Sing a song of praise to God today!

CPD post credit: TITW

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