Learn to ignore certain things

Wisdom is knowing when to react and when to ignore certain things. Not everything deserves a reaction from you. 

Friend, the most important thing to you on this earth is your peace of mind, and anything that will compete with it must be addressed promptly.

Sometimes for your own sake and the peace of your mind, learn to ignore certain things and people. Don’t be like a dog and bark at anything you see, be a cat. People throw stones at barking dogs, but no one throws a stone at a cat, because cats just watch things and ignore.

In this life, some people will make it an assignment to get on your nerves and constantly provoke you. Just don’t give them the attention they want, for your own peace, ignore them. 

Give them the silence treatment, for silence itself is a statement, and it is a golden one. Choose peace over everything else and focus on your journey.

God Loves You.

Stay Blessed!!

*☆Eld SAK ❤️ ☆*

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