Category: Culture


HUMAN WORDS AND GOD’S WORDS September 9, 2019 | Psalm 12 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In 2002, a researcher from the University of Massachusetts studied how often people tell a lie during daily conversations. He found that 60 percent of adults were not able to get through a ten-minute conversation without lying at least once. […]

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PRAISE AND LAMENT September 7, 2019 | Psalms 9–10 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In the preface to his commentary on the Psalms, John Calvin describes the book in this way, “I have been accustomed to call this book . . . ‘An Anatomy of all the Parts of the Soul,’ for there is not an […]

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GOD OF WONDERS September 6, 2019 | Psalm 8 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In 2009, Susan Boyle achieved international fame for her audition on Britain’s Got Talent. She did not seem like the usual contestant. She was forty-seven years old and unemployed, and no one expected much from her—until she began to sing. Her brilliant […]

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GOD OF JUSTICE September 5, 2019 | Psalm 7 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Seventeen-year-old Shareef Cousin found himself the youngest person in the United States on death row. Shareef had been convicted of murder even though he had what seemed like an airtight alibi. Afterward it was determined that the detective on the case lied […]

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Word with Sparie || THE VOW

The vow Love Love isn’t just an emotion. Love isn’t just a feeling of belonging. Love is life and the yardstick to maintaining any form of relationship through the test of time. Watch this interesting write up and act by Elvis Opare as he take about  the vow on the day of marriage. Written and […]

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Church uses cow belly as screen to preach the Gospel.

Maasai is an Eastern Nilotic language spoken in Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania by the Maasai people. The Maasai people are mostly cattle headers. The Assemblies of God church (Ghana) on a mission program went to Kenya to evangelize to the Maasai people. Showing of Jesus film was the church’s own mode of propagating the […]

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THE STETHOSCOPE-EPISODE-20 (final) by Deborah Nwaeke

MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY FINAL EPISODE Hello! Thanks for joining me thus far. I’m glad we made it to the final episode. Woohoo! Internal Medicine Department This department is another I really enjoyed joining. I got to choose my unit (Infectious diseases), and was grateful I did. I’ll begin from the really cool consultant we […]

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MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY Pediatrics department In summary, this department has been the easiest, better put, most interesting thus far. There was a house officer who was pretty rude sometimes, but civil at other times. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when he said I shouldn’t make him insult me.  I had asked […]

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MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY Talking about feeling stupid…midway into my rotation in one of the first departments, I began to wonder what I was doing studying medicine. It felt like the past 5 years in med school was a waste. Worse still the way they “drilled” (my modest word for ridicule) us made me feel […]

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MY CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY It’s a Thursday…a Thursday in the 5th week of my clinical rotation here. Previously at OBGYN… I’m kinda glad I’m almost done with the rotation. I was a bit disappointed because I looked forward to my rotation in the department with so much excitement, but…in all things we give thanks. Here’s […]

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