Thursday, JANUARY 2, 2020

SCRIPTURE READINGS: Isaiah 43:18-19, Philippians 3:13- 16


God in His wisdom has divided time into days, weeks, months, years and seasons so that we can have the opportunity to evaluate our lives and have a fresh start. As a new year begins today, it is worth evaluating how you fared in the just-ended year: the successes, failures and challenges. 

Evaluating the past helps to make better decisions for the future, but unfortunately, the past can also be a prison. Success in the past can breed complacency whilst failures can make one give up on the future. 

Apostle Paul, therefore, gives us his key to reaching his purpose: “Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead” (Phil. 3:13b; NIV). Rick Warren in “The Purpose Driven Life” states, “We are products of our past but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.”

We are blessed to serve the God who holds the future. His word for us this year is to forget about the former things and not dwell on the past because He is doing a new thing. The past gives us experiences for the future, but if God says we should forget about the past, it means we don’t need the experiences from the past for the new things He is doing in the future. What we need is a discerning and obedient heart to follow Him closely as He takes us to new territories this year.   


In order to be very successful this year, you need to perceive a new thing ahead; have a goal ahead. A goal not based on human wishes but based on the new thing God is about doing in your life this year. It begins with perceiving the will of God for your life this year through prayer and seeing it with the eyes of faith.


Lord, what new thing are You about to do in my life this year? Amen🙏🏾

Post Credit: Church of Pentecost  

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 As a Believer Know your worth and give yourself a price Tag. Watch a short inspirational video By Dr. Eunice Andoh👇🏾

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