DEVOTION: 15th March 2021

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD.” Jeremiah 17:7

What tremendous benefits are discovered for the one that trusts the Lord with all their heart and does not lean upon their own understanding. Trusting in the Lord is simply believing what God has said. It is having faith in the incarnate Word of God and trusting all that the Lord has revealed to us in the written Word of God.

The man who trusts in the Lord is simply believing Him in all things – believing His Word, trusting His promises, and not allowing himself to be shaken by circumstance, sight, emotions, or feelings. Blessed indeed, is the man that trusts in the Lord. Favored and fortunate, is the one whose hope is resting in the God of our Salvation.

It was Jeremiah who wrote these words. He was acutely aware of the sins of Judah and the unfaithfulness of the people of Israel. He knew that man’s heart is deceitful above all things, and that fallen man can be swept into deep despondency when faith in the Lord fails or falters. He was surrounded by a nation that had fallen into apostasy, and it was in His distress that he sought the Lord for healing and deliverance.

Trusting in the Lord and hoping in Him is being certain of the existence of things we cannot see. What glorious joy is realized by the one that trusts implicitly in the Lord and places their eternal hope in Him. Blessed is the man who embraces these two gifts of grace, which abide forever – for faith and hope unlock our understanding of the Father-heart of God’s pure love for all His children. May God, show himself strong in your life as you put your trust in Him. Amen.


Father, I look to you. You are where my strength comes from. Show yourself strong in my life and let me flourish like a tree planted by the water in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen 

Meditation:  Jeremiah 17:8

Bible reading plan for 1 year 

I Samuel 4 – 7

International Liberation Ministry 

Share the word – the reason is Jesus

CPD POST CREDIT: Ps. Coal Gbedemah

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