July 11, 2020 | Joshua 6
This Month’s Issue
I remember learning about the battle of Jericho as a child in Sunday School. I don’t recall if the story was told using a video, felt board, or reenactment, but I do remember thinking, “How could this be possible?” While I believed God was capable of performing miracles and that the fortified walls of Jericho were no problem for Him, I thought there must be something I was missing. How did simply walking around walls make them crumble?
See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands.
At the time I thought that the actions of Joshua and the Israelites appeased the Lord and, as a direct result, the walls tumbled down. What seems obvious now, the crucial point I clearly missed as a child, is found in the very first words the Lord spoke to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands” (v. 2). The Israelites’ obedience to Yahweh’s commands was not to earn God’s favor or His help. Rather, it would show their obedience because Yahweh already showed them favor and had delivered Jericho into their hands.
We can imagine there may have been some of that same skepticism in the minds of some Israelites, as they walked around the walls for a week. They had witnessed the Lord’s power over the waters of the Jordan River. They had tasted the Lord’s miracles in the harsh elements in the desert. However, now they were going up against mighty warriors. Surely, doubt had crept in, but not for Joshua. He was assured that the city was theirs because they were on God’s side. All that was required of him was to “see” (v. 2). Jericho was already delivered.
So often we forget that God has already declared us victors. Instead, we fix our minds on our obstacles. We feel they are too big or strong for us to defeat. When we are on God’s side, no wall is too tall, no quest is too difficult. Today, ask God to help you see every obstacle through His perspective.
CPD Post Credit: TITW