April 17, 2022 | Jeremiah 31:1–14 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Does God always give us what we deserve? Thankfully, no! Jeremiah chapters 30 to 33 are often called “the Book of Consolation.” Pastor and author Dane Ortlund explains this is “because God reveals to his people in these chapters his final response to their sinfulness, […]
February 8, 2021 | Romans 4:13–25 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue David Macaulay has authored a popular series of books for children (and loved by many adults) that describe The Way Things Work. Using colorful and precisely detailed illustrations, he explains the inner workings of things we encounter every day, such as computers or light or […]
This Month’s Issue In her song, “Faithful God,” Laura Story magnifies the Lord’s trustworthiness: “For you are the love that never leaves / The friend that won’t deceive / You’re the one sure thing / Faithful God, every promise kept / Every need You’ve met, faithful God. / All I am and all I’ll ever […]