Tag: Inspirotivation

The story behind Jahkrow’s Taste of love

In the quiet solitude of a late-night shift as a humanitarian aid worker with ASB, Jahkrow found inspiration for his latest reggae single, “Taste of Love.” It was during a shift in the C2-Box, where he found himself alone and seeking a way to pass the time. Amidst the silence and solitude, a spark of […]

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Why 10 devotions by jahkrow was dedicated to Ekow and Otuwa

If you have followed the mentiasie Brand for some time now, you will notice that there is a section for morning devotion. The devotion is published daily and aimed at inspiring our readers. The devotion for this month is so special for me. I am saying this because this is the month my “Main Man” […]

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April 30, 2022 | Jeremiah 52:1–11 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Baruch was a faithful friend of Jeremiah, as well as his scribe. He was the secretary who wrote down his prophecies, often putting his own life at risk! He even received his own individual prophecy from the Lord, in which God promised him that his […]

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UKRAINIAN WAR DIARIES: Jahkrow’s “to do list” 24th March, 2022

I woke up at 10am, had my bath  and prepared breakfast ( Lemon tea + Tuna and bread + spaghetti with vegetables and meat). After taking breakfast, I helped mum in the garden (swept all the fallen leaves and with the help of a wheelbarrow, I transported them to the dumping site).   Around 3:00pm, […]

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Five places to be planted

5 places to be planted 1. Plant yourself in a church ⛪️ Help grow the church by finding a place or group of interest. When the church you are part of grows, you grow too. 2. Be planted in your family. Prayer places the family in a safe position.As part of a family, bring your […]

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JahKrow said this: How Great a man is, is NOT assessed neither by popularity nor accomplishments; BUT rather how He expresses his hustle with HUMILITY to serve mankind.

How Great a man is, is NOT assessed neither by popularity nor accomplishments; BUT rather how He expresses his hustle with HUMILITY to serve mankind.

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February 3, 2022 | Philippians 1:9-11 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Many parents love to track the growth of their children by marking their height each year on their birthday. But is it possible to measure our growth as believers? More importantly, how does spiritual growth take place? And this is my prayer: that your love […]

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HAPPY NEW MONTH: February, 2022

Mentiasie wishes everyone a happy new month. (February, 2022)  

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January 27, 2022 | ProVerbs 9:1-12 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Jesus told a parable about a man going on a journey. He gave his servant five bags of gold and the man set to work, gaining five more for a total of ten. Another servant was given two bags of gold and increased his total […]

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