June 27, 2021 | Psalm 103 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In 1835, a music publisher named Charles Bradlee created a tune to help children learn the alphabet. Utilizing a theme by Mozart, Bradlee copyrighted the tune that children all over the United States sing to learn their ABCs. Just like Charles Bradlee, the Israelites knew […]
June 11, 2021 | Psalm 83 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue The apostle Paul was under attack. He had been arrested on the false charge that he had brought a Gentile into the Temple in Jerusalem (Acts 21:27–29). A group of Jewish leaders had had enough of Paul. They made a pact that they would not […]
February 19, 2021 | Romans 11:25–36 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue There are many ways we can share the gospel. Some people like to use an outline, a Scripture map, or even a helpful diagram. But evangelism cannot be reduced to a methodology. Paul calls God’s way of drawing people to Himself a “mystery” (v. 25). In […]
February 9, 2021 | Romans 5:1–11 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Lucy Pevensie opens the door of a wardrobe and discovers that it is a gateway to the dreamlike land of Narnia. As she pushes past heavy fur winter coats, she steps out of the wardrobe and into […]
BLOOD-BOUGHT GRACE January 25, 2020 | Romans 8:28–39 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue John Piper, author, speaker, and pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, is known for his passion and zeal. Recently, he spoke on his favorite verse in the Bible, Romans 8:32. “When all is said and done, we owe every good in our […]
SAVED BY GRACE January 12, 2020 | Ephesians 2:1–10 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Dr. James Gray was Moody Bible Institute’s third president (1904–1934). One historian noted, “His leadership during the critical and turbulent years following the death of Mr. Moody probably has resulted in him being held the most responsible more than any other man […]