August 5, 2021 | Hosea 2:6–15 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In the movie Fireproof, firefighter Caleb Holt fights to save his failing marriage by following advice found in The Love Dare. The book challenges spouses to make one concrete overture of love each day for 40 days. Ultimately, Fireproof is a story of hope, and […]
December 1, 2020 | Matthew 12:15-21 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue The weeks leading up to Christmas are called Advent. Why? Because Advent means “coming” or “arrival.” Christmas is the season in which we celebrate the arrival of the turning point in God’s plan of redemption— the coming of His Son, Jesus Christ. In today’s culture, […]
November 8, 2020 | Acts 7:1-60 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue As a young Christian, I remember reading the story of Jim Elliot, one of the five missionaries who lost their lives when they attempted to bring the gospel to the Huaorani people of Ecuador. When I was finished, I got down on my knees and […]