Tag: find


December 15, 2020 | Matthew 13:44–46 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue A French family found an unexpected treasure in 2018. It was a vase, kept in a shoebox and stashed in their attic because they didn’t like it much. When examined by experts, the vase turned out to be from the 18th century Qing dynasty in […]

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SHUT THE TEMPLE DOORS March 12, 2020 | Malachi 1:6–14 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue In years past, a student would show respect to a favorite teacher with the gift of an apple. But what if the apple was rotten or full of worms? Then what would traditionally have been a sign of respect and honor […]

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What is Good Life? 7-questions to ask yourself

After a survey of what people had to say about what good Life is, we concluded that, a good life is when you; 1. Assume nothing 2. Do more 3. Need less 4. Smile often 5. Dream big 6. Laugh a lot 7. realize how blessed you are.

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