May 4, 2021 | 1 Thessalonians 2:1–7 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Whom are you trying to please: people or God? In their commentary on 1 Thessalonians, John F. Walvoord and Mark Hitchcock wrote: “The most basic test of any service rendered for God is the question, ‘Is it pleasing to Him?’ Our little houses of […]
BY FAITH ALONE January 23, 2020 | Romans 1:11–17 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue One of the major reformers of Christianity was the German monk Martin Luther. Before he posted his 95 Theses on the church doors in 1517, protesting the church’s corruption, Luther wrestled with his own salvation. He was tormented by his own sinfulness, […]
IN CHRIST ALONE January 17, 2020 | Matthew 28:1–10 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue “In Christ Alone” by Stuart Townend, Keith Getty, and Kristyn Getty has quickly become a favorite worship song around the world. After receiving the melody from Keith, Stuart immediately felt it had an “eternal, enduring aspect.” He thought the lyrics should be […]