Questions to Expect from Enumerators during Population and Housing Census 2021

PHC 2021

On the day(s) of the census, the census official(Enumerator) will visit your home and to be sure he/she presents an ID card for identification and security purposes. Upon arrival, the enumerator will present a questionnaire to the head of the household. The questionnaire is aimed at collecting information from the head of household. All the questions must be explained by the enumerator to the head of household in a language he/she can understand to enhance accurate information acquisition.

In giving out the information, it is important to take note of the Census Night. 

The Census Night is the reference date for which all questions will be related to.

If you spend the Census Night in Ghana, then you will be counted.

The household heads should also make note of all the persons that slept in their household on the Census Night (both usual members of the household and any visitors).

The information to be collected by enumerators will cover the following:

1.      Travel history of household members who have migrated abroad

2.      Socio-demographic characteristics (age, sex, education, ethnicity, religion etc.)

3.      Literacy and education

4.      Economic activity (employment status, job description, occupation, industry)

5.      Difficulties in performing daily living activities (seeing, hearing, walking etc.)

6.      Ownership and usage of ICT devices

7.      Children born to women 12 years or over

8.      Deaths of household members within the past 12 months

9.      Housing conditions (construction materials of structure; water supply; asset ownership)

10.   Sanitation (disposal of solid and liquid waste)

11.   Source of water, lighting and cooking fuel. 

Further details about the questionnaire, can be found here.

By: JahKrow


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