This Month’s Issue
In her song, “Faithful God,” Laura Story magnifies the Lord’s trustworthiness: “For you are the love that never leaves / The friend that won’t deceive / You’re the one sure thing / Faithful God, every promise kept / Every need You’ve met, faithful God. / All I am and all I’ll ever be / Is all because You love faithfully / Faithful God.”
He did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God.
Unlike worldly hope—which can be mere wishful thinking—godly hope is grounded in God’s absolute integrity. He always does what He says. He always keeps His promises. No exceptions. Paul illustrated this with the story of Abraham (vv. 18–21). God promised that Abraham would be “the father of many nations” (v. 18). Yet at age 100 he didn’t have a single son. Hope at this point seemed entirely unreasonable, humanly speaking. Abraham was not delusional. He knew the facts: “His body was as good as dead” and his wife’s womb was dead as well (v. 19). Yet Abraham’s faith did not falter. He was fully persuaded that God would keep His impossible promise. In fact, since there was absolutely no human way for this promise to be fulfilled, God would get even more glory!
On this side of the Cross, our faith is the same as Abraham’s (vv. 22–25). His faith “was credited to him as righteousness” (v. 22). What he looked forward to, we look back on: the saving death of Christ. “He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification” (v. 25; see Isa. 53:12). “Justification” is our righteous standing before God, accomplished in and by Christ. This is how we have peace with God (Rom. 5:1). In Jesus, all God’s promises are kept, wherever we are on the gospel story’s timeline.
If you’re looking for more God-centered ways to celebrate this Christmas season with your family, we have created a special free resource for you. Advent for Kids has Scripture readings, discussion questions, and fun activities to help you celebrate Advent with your children or grandchildren (App Users: Tap the GROW tab, select Go Deeper, and click Advent for Kids).
CPD post credit: TITW