July 28, 2020 | Joshua 23
This Month’s Issue
Our second child was born the day Billy Graham died. I still remember being in the hospital room as the breaking news of Graham’s death was reported. Understandably, I only heard a small portion of the tributes that poured in on that day, but there was no doubt that the famed evangelist lived a life worth remembering. He was faithful to God until the end.
So be very careful to love the Lord your God.
JOSHUA 23:11
In our text today, Joshua was approaching his personal finish line. Before his time on earth was over, he reminded the people that good leaders are first and foremost godly leaders. First, he gave God all the credit for how far they had come (v. 3). Then, he reminded the people that the Lord had fulfilled all His promises by fighting for them and giving them their inheritance (vv. 4–5).
The rest of the passage contains well-learned lessons on leadership. A godly leader is to be in God’s Word and do what it says. It does little good if one knows what the commandments are but then turns from them (vv. 6, 16). Joshua also warned leaders not to associate with pagan worshipers. As a young nation, he wanted his followers to remain steadfast in their commitment to the Lord and not be persuaded by outside teachings (vv. 7–8, 12–13).
As Joshua reflected on his years of walking with the Lord, the last lesson he taught the people of Israel was that remaining faithful to God is a lifelong pursuit. It is easy to give in to the lies of the enemy. But good leaders are also godly leaders. They are not just godly for a moment, but their entire lives are led by God and His Word.
Whether you realize it or not, you are a leader! In your business, your neighborhood, or your family, you have the potential to influence those around you. Knowingly or unknowingly people watch you. They see how you conduct yourself. Make it your goal to be a godly leader.
CPD post credit:TITW