April 18, 2019 | Psalm 136:1–26
This Month’s Issue
What lasts forever? You may be hard-pressed to think of anything that matches that description. But today we know of one thing that is never-ending: God’s love. In today’s passage, the same phrase is repeated 26 times: “His love endures forever.” Again and again, the chorus reinforces the central thought: God’s love will never fail us. This gift of God’s love will never end.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.
PSALM 136:1
This psalm or song is divided into distinct sections. You can recognize the pattern by looking for areas of repetition. For example, in verses 1 through 3, we see the character and person of God. The identity of God as not only “a god” but “God of gods” and “Lord of lords” enables us to trust His promises (vv. 2–3). We worship a God who will never go back on His word.
The second section focuses on God as Creator (vv. 4–9). This is a God who made the heavens and the oceans. He placed the sun in the sky and lit the night sky with the moon and stars (vv. 7–9). The same God whose outstretched hand formed the universe promises to love us. “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him” (Ps. 103:11). The expansiveness of creation reminds us that God’s love for us endures forever.
The third section focuses on the history of God’s relationship with His people (vv. 10–24). We see specific times when God delivered His people from danger, guided them through difficulties, and eliminated their enemies. He gave them the Promised Land as inheritance (v. 21).
The final verses return to the gift of provision. God does not forget those whom He has given life. He provides for “every creature” and nourishes us. His love endures forever! To the Giver of the very best gifts, we should respond with thanks.
Today’s psalm provides a wonderful way to celebrate the gift of God’s love for us. First, thank God for His character. Second, reflect on who He is as exhibited by the beauty and vastness of creation. Third, thank Him for guiding and protecting you. And finally, thank God for His eternal love: “His love endures forever.”
Devotion Credit: Today in word