God protect us || Mentiasie
God protect us || Mentiasie


January 13, 2020 | Psalm 91


This Month’s Issue

On her daily Moody Radio program, Janet Parshall addresses cultural issues through a biblical lens. Based in Washington, D.C., Parshall is known for her unflinching look at complex topics. When asked about her favorite Bible verse, Parshall responded, “I will say of the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust’” (Ps. 91:2, NASB). She explains, “People will disappoint us, institutions will fail us, and life comes with turbulence and tribulation. But God, who loves and protects us, can always be trusted.”

He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.

PSALM 91:2

This truth is exactly what the Psalmist wanted to share in today’s Scripture passage. Psalm 91 can be divided into four segments: verses 1–2, 3–8, 9–13, and 14–16. The beginning of this psalm (vv. 1–4) is more than just the introduction, it presents the main idea. The psalmist declares that the person who takes up residence in the shelter of God, the Most High, will find rest (v. 1). Verse 2 expounds on this thought by stating that we can confidently place our trust in the Lord who is a strong and mighty fortress for protection.

The next two major sections of this psalm, verses 3–8 and 9–13, expand on those first two verses by describing what the Lord’s sovereignty and protection look like. As you read these two sections, notice how often the psalmist uses the word “will.” He wants us to know that when we dwell in the shelter of the Most High, placing our trust in God alone, protection and guidance will come.

In the final section the word will is used again. This time, the psalmist explains what will come alongside God’s protection and presence: His deliverance and salvation. Parshall was exactly right, the God who loves and protects us, can always be trusted.

Do you make notations in your Bible? If so, underline every time the psalmist uses the word “will.” These are the “will” promises the Lord makes to us! Commit your day to the Lord, take refuge in Him, and see what will happen.


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 NB: As a Believer Know your worth and give yourself a price Tag. Watch a short inspirational video By Dr. Eunice Lady Andoh👇🏾

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