Ginger and its benefits

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
It is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or simply ginger, is widely used as a spice or a folk medicine.
Ginger belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, together with other plants like turmeric (Curcuma longa), cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), and galangal. Ginger is thought to have originated from Asia especially on the Indian subcontinent and has the largest amount of genetic variation. Today ginger is grown in most part of the world.

Nutritional Values
Ginger in its raw form is composed of 79% water, 18% carbohydrates, 2% protein, and 1% fat (table). In 100 grams (a standard amount used to compare with other foods), raw ginger supplies 80 Calories and contains adequate amounts of vitamin B6 (12% of the Daily Value, DV) and the dietary minerals, magnesium (12% DV) and manganese (11% DV).

Ginger is commonly used to treat various types o on the FDA’s f “stomach problems,” including motion sickness, morning sickness, colic, upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea, nausea triggered by cancer treatment, nausea triggered by HIV/AIDS treatment, nausea and vomiting after surgery, as well as loss of appetite.

Other uses of Ginger include pain relief from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis, menstrual pain, upper respiratory tract infections, cough, respiratory problems, migraine headache, bronchitis, and diabetes. Ginger is also sometimes used for general p pain like low back, and stomach pain, anorexia, breast milk stimulation, as a diuretic, and to increase diaphoresis (sweating). It is also used to treat cholera, bleeding, bacterial bloody diarrhea, baldness, malaria, inflamed testicles, poisonous snake bites, and toothaches.
others pour the treat burns by pouring the fresh juice on the skin. Ginger extracted and used as insect repellants when applied on the skin.
In foods and beverages, ginger is used as a flavoring agent.

In the cosmetic industry, ginger is used as anaromatherapeutic agent.
a chemical in ginger is also used as a chief ingredient in laxative, anti-gas, and antacid medications.

Biological effects
The well known biological effect of ginger is the stimulation of saliva production (sialagogue) action, which makes swallowing easier as well as reducing or eliminating halitosis (bad breath).
Health safety
Ginger should be consumed in reasonable quantities to prevent negative side effects. Ginger is “generally recognized as safe” on the FDA’s list, but should be noted that ginger interacts with some medications, especially anticoagulant drugs like warfarin, aspirin and cardiovascular drug, nifedipine.

With all these information about ginger, I hope you will start considering the use of ginger. One of the active ingredients in Royal Healthy Shito is Ginger Feel free to contact Mentiasie for all your health tips.

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