Depend on God

Depend on God

Devotion 1/3/2021

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Ephesians 6:10

This is a very insightful statement made by Paul. Having gone through all the challenges to deliver the word of God, deemed it fit to rely on the strength of God to accomplish his purpose. When the Amalekites invaded the camp of David at Ziklag and took captives his family, David including his men wept till they had no power to cry but the Bible said, David encouraged Himself in the Lord. His faith to depend on God, supplied him with inward resources of comfort and energy, and through the seasonable inquiries he made by Urim, he inspired confidence by ordering an immediate pursuit of the plunderers whiles others fainted – 1 Samuel 30: 1 – 10.

To encourage yourself literally means to total build confidence and trust in the Lord. It also means to seek His counsel or to wait upon the Lord. – Isaiah 40:31.

Beloved, when you find yourself in a valley of decision, look nowhere but to God and put your trust in Him. To put your trust in man is an absolute disappointment – Jeremiah 17:5 – 6. May the Lord empower you, as you rely on His strength to go through the challenges of life. Amen


Father in Heaven, I put my trust in you. Stir up my spirit and revive me to depend on you the more in Jesus name I pray. Amen 

Meditate on Isaiah 41:10

Bible reading plan for the year 2021

Deuteronomy Chapter 1- 3

International Liberation Ministry 

Share the word – the reason is Jesus.

CPD POST CREDIT: Ps. Coal Gbedemah

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