JANUARY 4, 2020
SCRIPTURE READINGS: Exodus 33:12-17, Joshua 1:1-8
God’s presence is a very precious thing. No Christian can afford to lose it. David noticed that there is fullness of joy in the presence of God and pleasures for evermore (Psalm 16:11). Moses also noticed that the presence of God with the Israelites made them distinct from all the people of the earth (Ex. 33:16). The LORD also reveals that His presence gives rest (Ex. 33:14) and protection (Gen. 28:15) to His people. How then can we cultivate this presence and also not losing it?
We have varied manifestations of God’s presence. God is omnipresent. He is everywhere and sees everything we do. This is the Essential Presence of God. There is also the Manifest Presence of God. This is when we feel without a doubt the presence of God in a meeting. It may come in the form of miraculous signs, outburst of tongues, overflow of joy etc. The Cultivated Presence of God is the presence of God with an individual. This makes the individual distinct from all others and whatever they do prosper. It was said of people like Abraham, David, Joseph, Daniel and Mary, that the Lord was with them. This presence is cultivated by the lifestyle of the individual. If we will have the presence of the Lord with us always then we should cultivate a lifestyle of prayer, word study and obedience to the word of God. Those who draw near to God and do things that attract Him, God also draws near to them and gives them success. If you will have good success this year, then cultivate the presence of God.
Lord, draw me close to You and increase my appetite for prayer and your word. Amen. #PossessingtheNations
POST CREDIT: Church of Pentecost
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As a Believer Know your worth and give yourself a price Tag. Watch a short inspirational video By Dr. Eunice Lady Andoh👇🏾