October 24, 2020 | Psalm 66
This Month’s Issue
Do you know your family’s history? A friend of mine often recounts the story of how and why his family came to Chicago. They were a part of the Great Migration of African-Americans from the South in the early 20th century. This helps him share in the sufferings and joys of his family and community.
Praise our God, all peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard.
PSALM 66:8
In today’s reading, the Psalmist celebrates what God has done for Israel by recounting their history. He encourages all people to “Come and see what God has done!” (v. 5). He tells of God’s mighty acts during Israel’s exodus from Egypt and entry into the Promised Land (v. 6). God is to be praised because He rescued Israel and provided for them.
However, God’s care involved more than just miraculous acts. God also disciplined Israel when necessary (vv. 9–11). This was also reason to praise God, as it demonstrated His love. In verse 13, the Psalmist shifts from speaking about the community as a whole to what God had done in his own life. “Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me,” he declares (v. 16). He testifies that God delivered him when he was in trouble (v. 14). It’s important to note that he set his personal testimony in the context of the big story of God’s salvation in the Old Testament. God did not deliver him for his own sake, but so that he could participate in God’s mission to the world. Part of that mission is declaring God’s goodness to all people and calling them to worship.
You probably enjoy telling stories of your family’s history. But how often do you tell your family’s God stories? Take time today to share one thing you saw God do in your family. Thank God for the way He cares for us.