April 29, 2021 | Ephesians 3:14–21


This Month’s Issue

Robert Munger, a Presbyterian minister, once wrote a small booklet titled “My Heart, Christ’s Home.” In story form, he depicts Jesus being welcomed into our heart as a guest. As Jesus explores each room, and even the hidden hall closet, Munger makes the case that when believers invite Jesus into their lives, He ought to occupy every aspect of it. Munger asks, “If your heart were a home, would Jesus Christ be an honored guest or would he be a permanent resident?”

So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.


In chapter 3 of Ephesians, Paul prays that Christ takes up a permanent residence in their hearts and in their church. How are we supposed to pray for the church? We know we should, but what should our prayers be like? Here Paul shows us how. He asks that the Ephesians be strengthened with power through the Lord’s glorious riches. He acknowledges that if a church is to be strong in the midst of adversity and attacks by the enemy, it can only happen by God’s strength and power (v. 16). He then moves to pray for the church which is the inner being, or inner self. Some portions of Scripture emphasize prayer for our physical self. Here,

Paul prays for something deeper. He prays that Christ may dwell in their faithful hearts (v. 17). The word “dwell” connotes the idea of abiding forever. Paul prays that these believers will be rooted and established in love (v. 17). Using both an agricultural and an architectural term he drives home the point: the deeper the roots the higher the tree. The stronger the foundation the more fortified the structure. He concludes by praying that the depths of the richness of God’s grace, love, and greatness be lifted high in the church and throughout all generations (vv. 18–21).

The text of Robert Munger’s booklet is available online. Read it and spend time in prayer, asking Christ to dwell in your life and in the life of the church. Pray that He will not be just an honored guest but a permanent resident.


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