August 18, 2020 | Luke 10:1-23
This Month’s Issue
Anyone who teaches will tell you that not every day is easy. You can have the most carefully prepared lesson plan, the most tried-and-true activity on your agenda, and still, your students may be irritable and inattentive. A key part of training future teachers is cautioning them that their attitude will be key. They must learn to maintain a positive spirit even when the going gets tough.
Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
LUKE 10:20
In Luke 10, Jesus appoints 72 messengers to go and do the work of the kingdom, spreading His message of salvation. He sends them “like lambs among wolves” (v. 3) two by two (v. 1). He let them know their work was important: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” (v. 2). Jesus gave them practical instructions on where to stay, what to wear, and what to eat. He told them what to expect, in good situations and in bad (vv. 10–15).
They would not be going in their own power, but with His full authority behind them. When the people rejected them, they were rejecting God Himself (v. 16)! The seventy-two returned to Christ elated from what had happened and amazed by the result of their God-given authority. They said, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name” (v. 17). As a wise teacher, and perhaps knowing human tendency toward pride and boastfulness, Jesus reminded them, “Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven” (v. 20). Jesus emphasized that no matter what reception they received while doing His work, what would last for eternity was their personal relationship with God. In that alone, they should rejoice!
We must remember that each and every day we have the opportunity to rejoice over what is most important—our own salvation, and each new sinner saved by God’s grace. Today, remember Christ’s words and genuinely choose to rejoice.
cpd post credit: TITW