A MIGHTY FORTRESS Devotion Mentiasie JahKrow

October 4, 2020 | Psalm 46


This Month’s Issue

In October 1527, Martin Luther’s life looked bleak. He had been hiding for years because of his commitment to salvation by faith alone. In August, the bubonic plague swept the area where he lived. It must have felt like the world was falling apart. In response to this situation, he took comfort in Psalm 46 and wrote the hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

PSALM 46:1

Psalm 46 presents two terrifying images. First, a natural disaster with the ground shaking and mountains tumbling into the turbulent seas (vv. 2–3). Second, we see the foreign nations in an uproar (v. 6). One can imagine vast armies surrounding Jerusalem and threatening its very existence. Yet in the midst of these chaotic and frightening circumstances, the psalmist was able to proclaim, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (v. 1). Israel was able to take comfort, not in a vast army, or strongly fortified city, but in the presence of a God who is able to help (v. 5).

In verses 8–9, the psalmist addresses the nations directly, inviting them to “Come and see what the Lord has done” (v. 8). They are invited to remember the great victories He achieved in the past: the defeat of Pharaoh’s army at the Red Sea, for example (v. 9). The tone shifts dramatically in verse 10. The Lord Himself addresses the rebellious and threatening nations. He commands them to “be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations” (v. 10). The command to “be still” is not so much an encouragement to silent meditation but a warning to cease fighting and to acknowledge the Lord’s sovereignty.

Terrifying and frightening things happen in the world today. This psalm is a good reminder that God is our refuge and strength. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:20).

CPD post credit:TITW

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