The founder of Action Chapel International, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams has advised married couples. He said it was wrong for couples to treat themselves with disdain. In a sermon to his congregation, this was what he said;
“To those of you who are wives and are married, remember; once upon a time, you were single.
“You were a single woman and you had no man and today God has blessed you; you have a man, humble yourself, treat the man well; don’t treat him anyhow, don’t bluff him and don’t say because he has married you, he’s stuck, he’s a good man, he can’t fool around, so, you can treat him anyway, anyhow; it’s familiarity.
“You’re provoking him”, Archbishop Duncan-Williams said.
He continued: “The Bible says: ‘Thou shalt not provoke thy Lord thy God’”.
“Don’t provoke your husband”, he stressed.
According to ArchBishop, “Just because he married you does not entitle you or give you the authorisation to disrespect or treat him anyway, anyhow”.
“That is a sign of ingratitude”, he noted, adding: “And women and wives like that don’t understand worship because if you understand worship and adoration, you’ll treat your husband right and you’ll treat him well”.
According to the man of God, wives who take good care of their husbands live longer on earth.
“And if you treat him well and you treat him right, it will give you longevity and it will give you more of blessings and it will give you more of his love”.
On the contrary, the man of God also talked against husbands disrespecting their wives due to their change in status in life.
“And there are also men, who marry women when they [the men] are nothing and nobody and as soon as they become somebody and they start being blessed, they disrespect the woman and treat her anyway, anyhow. “That is also wrong”, he equally condemned.
Worshippers, he said, “don’t do that”.
“If you’re a worshipper, you must remember and when you remember, you’re humble”, he noted.
Let us know your opinion on how married couples can STOP Disrespecting themselves and live in harmony.
Source: Mentiasie.com