February 16, 2020 | Esther 5:5b–9a
This Month’s Issue
According to one newspaper report, Americans spend roughly 37 billion hours waiting in lines each year. Researchers added: We are far more satisfied with our “queuing experience” when we have something to do while we wait. We prefer forward movement toward our goal—rather than pausing and standing still.
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
PSALM 27:14
Throughout Scripture, God asks us to wait on Him (Ps. 27:13–14). Notice in today’s verse that the psalmist gives two things to do while we wait: “be strong” and “take heart.” We do this knowing that we do not wait in vain. Commentators have long debated Esther’s decision to hit the “pause” button in Esther 5:4.
For Esther, things seemed to be going well. The king and Haman were enjoying her banquet. They were drinking wine, and the king even repeated his gracious offer of up to half of his kingdom. But instead of seizing that opportunity to articulate her request, Esther chose to delay making her request (vv. 7–8). She invited the king and Haman back the next day for another feast—at which time she promised to make her appeal. Why did Esther wait? Was it fear or uncertainty? Postponement presented a risk. The king’s mood could change in 24 hours. Or was Esther exercising wisdom and demonstrating her dependency on God? The delay fit with custom and protocol, where preparation was important before any significant transaction.
Providentially, though, the delay allowed Haman’s misguided pride to fester and drive him further into trouble (v. 9). We are able to see the hand of God orchestrating the timing of all things—whether Esther was aware of this or not.
In this season of your life, is God asking you to move boldly ahead with some project or plan? Or is He telling you, “Press pause and wait on Me”? Tell someone about the ways God is speaking to you, and invite them to pray with you about your next steps.
Post Credit: TITW
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