what is Zamar?

ZAMAR (Zah Mar)
This is a Hebrew word which means: To make music to God. sing praise with the instrument, means to touch with fingers the strings of an instrument, or to pluck a stringed instrument in celebration. Used in poetry, singing can be involved. Music was given to render praise unto God.
It is a musical word which is largely involved with joyful expressions of music with musical instruments.
Scripture references
• Be exalted O Lord, in Thine own strength, so will we sing and praise (zamar) Thy power.” (Ps 21:13)
• “Sing to Him, sing praises (zamar) to Him; speak of all His wonders.” (1Chr 16:9). This is why people praise God.

Pentecost International Worship Center (PIWC), Ivano-frankivsk has an annual praise program called ‘ZAMAR’ that seeks to gather Christians from all over Ukraine to come in and offer pure and unadulterated worship to God. This year (2017), the main focus is to prepare a multicultural platform that can allow people to praise God from all cultural backgrounds, especially the African and the Ukrainian cultures. Watch the aftermath of Zamar2016. You can also watch excepts of Zamar2016 here. Come and let us praise God together.

The program details are as follows:
Date: Saturday, 25th November 2017
Venue: Nezalezhnosti 46 (Ivano-Frankivsk)
Time: 4:00pm
Theme: The Sound of Praise (Acts 16:25-26)

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2 thoughts on “what is Zamar?

  1. Amazing

  2. ZAMAR Is just all about Jesus Christ

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