October 15, 2020 | Psalm 57 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue When our children were toddlers, and we brought them into an unfamiliar situation, like a wedding or graduation party, they would often hide behind my legs when someone tried to talk to them. When little ones feel uncomfortable, they look for safety by clinging to […]
July 7, 2020 | Joshua 3:1–17 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue A leadership transition can be difficult. In times of uncertainty, a myriad of questions flood people’s minds: How will we make it? What will our future be like? How will our new leader treat us? Churches and ministries can be especially challenged by the complexity […]
WITH CONFIDENCE February 25, 2020 | Esther 9:1–4 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Imagine going into any sort of challenge—a basketball game, a big exam, a legal dispute—knowing with 100 percent certainty that you were going to come out on top. What confidence you would carry! That is how the Jewish people could now approach the […]