September 24, 2020 | 1 Samuel 25:1–44 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue According to the Mayo Clinic, impulsive anger disorder is a pattern of behavior marked by “repeated, sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts in which you react grossly out of proportion to the situation.” Its symptoms include rage, irritability, racing […]
STETHOSCOPE CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY-6 Day 2 I cried yesterday…self-pity and all, but I also decided to face this squarely. I didn’t come here to play. So I prayed for grace, help, favour, wisdom, and everything needed to overcome. I’m hoping for the best but prepared to face the worst. It’s 08:10am… The scripture reference that says, […]
CLINICAL ROTATION DIARY-4 I wonder if “new in town” was written on my forehead because regardless of how much I tried to blend in, I kept being treated like a newbie, in a nice way though. For example, I tried speaking pidgin to someone who apparently speaks pidgin too, but hedeliberately replied in […]
Quick question. WHAT IS VULNERABILITY? According to OXFORD DICTIONARY;It means exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.(Deep stuff) <<Read Also>> The balanced sheet of life. But personally, i would love to refer to it as a state/place of being happy why?you would ask. Because for one to be vulnerable,it […]
LOVE YOUR MARRIAGE: True Story A man returned from work and found his wife cooking his favorite food. The woman gave the man a sweet kiss to welcome him as usual. They were so happy with each other; While they were at the dinner table, the woman’s cell phone beeped with a message from her […]