Tag: Vim

‘Support the Hustle’ sales || phase-1

Attention❗ Attention❗Attention❗ John Holmes once said “There’s no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up “ Indeed a kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. *MentiasieTrade* is here again to offer you the chance to go out of your way and make life beautiful for another […]

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Lady wins HMI Badge of Honor

The undisputed Queen on TV and a host for TGIF-VIBES on MentiasieTV; Dr. Eunice Andoh (a.k.a LADY) has won for herself an HMI badge of honor. The HMI badge of honor is given to individuals who have distinguished themselves in society. The HMI Badge of honor is won on merits irrespective of you color, race, […]

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    “Two are better than one…” Life is a race not to be run alone. It isn’t a race concerned with who arrives first; rather it’s concerned with who arrives at the finish line at all. It’s a road meant to be walked with support, caution and purpose. Life is a mix of different […]

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“If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything” Hello friends! Welcome to a new week. Have you ever been in a situation where you compromised and later wished you stood on your convictions? Well I experienced that sometime ago. I found myself in a situation where an acquaintance asked me for a “favour” […]

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