November 10, 2020 | Acts 9:1-31 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue It used to be common for high school yearbooks to designate someone from the graduating class as “Most Likely to Succeed.” If Saul of Tarsus had attended high school, he might have been chosen for that honor. But I think he would also have […]
AN UNLIKELY BELIEVER April 19, 2020 | Matthew 15:21–28 DEVOTIONS This Month’s Issue Who are your heroes of faith? They may be martyrs who faced death for the sake of the gospel or missionaries who have endured hardship. These individuals look like heroes, at least to us. They expect great things from God and attempt […]
AN UNLIKELY CHOICE April 4, 2020 | Matthew 4 DEVOTIONS This month’s issue In her book Team of Rivals, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin described how Abraham Lincoln chose an unlikely group of leaders to serve as his cabinet. Instead of surrounding himself with friends, he chose opponents and competitors. “[That] was evidence of a profound […]